IRON MAN 3 (2013)

cast: Robert Downey Jr. 
Directed by Shane Black
Release date : May 3, 2013 

With THE AVENGERS out of the way, Marvel is now setting back their focus on their prime titles. Which means Iron Man gets all geared to strike back in his solo form. The makers have already locked the 2013 Summer opening slot with a release date of May 3, 2013.

The surprise choice for directing the third installment of this heavy metal franchise has been handed to Shane Black. Black, the writer of Lethal Weapon, is pretty much a fresh hand at the directors chair (having only directed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with Downey Jr ). But Black is keen to give the Iron Man a more realistic 'Nolan-like' treatment to the Iron Man persona. Obviously that will all go well, until the execs at Marvel throw in some metal busting action sequences to make it fitting for the summer billing.

The studios also confirms that the film will no longer be having any crossover characters as it was a build up strategy for THE AVENGERS.

Initial thoughts from Downey Jr on how he sees the new installment playing out HERE

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