cast: Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Quinton Jackson, Sharlto Copley
Directed by Joe Carnahan
Produced by Ridley Scott/ Tony Scott
Distributed by 20th Century Fox
written by Skip Woods
release date: JUNE 11 ,2010

Yet another popular show of the 80s gets a big screen treatment from the Hollywood bigwigs. But what really keeps this one interesting is the fact that this has been produced by Ridley and Tony Scott. Surely when these film makers put their name to a project, one expects something beyond the ordinary Tv-to-cinema trash.
And with Scott bros at the helm, FOX studios seemed only glad to present to us the revamped A TEAM with Joe Carnahan directing the flick. Carnahan ofcourse known for gritty flicks like NARC and SMOKIN ACES hopes to provide the same gritty feel to this one as well, rather than make it one of those traditional summer blow-em-ups!
No wonder then you have Liam Nesson leading the team, but thanks to the hangover, Bradley Cooper might be getting all the limelight.

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