It was no contest as Eddie Murphy took home all the major awards out there for the worst of the year. While Eddie Murphy in his Norbit turnout was successful in making it to the worst of all the acting departments, he could not prove to be worse than Lindsay Lohan in the equally disastrous I Know Who Killed Me.
Below is the complete list of the winners. Let us hope they do not repeat it next year
Worst Picture: "I Know Who Killed Me"
Worst Actor: Murphy in "Norbit"
Worst Actress (tie): Lohan as twin sisters Aubrey and Dakota in "I Know Who Killed Me"
Worst Supporting Actress: Murphy in "Norbit"
Worst Supporting Actor: Murphy in "Norbit"
Worst Screen Couple: Lohan & Lohan in "I Know Who Killed Me"
Worst Remake or Rip-off: "I Know Who Killed Me," based on several films
Worst Prequel or Sequel: "Daddy Day Camp"
Worst Director: Chris Siverston for "I Know Who Killed Me"
Worst Screenplay: Jeffrey Hammond for "I Know Who Killed Me"
Worst Excuse for a Horror Movie (New Category): "I Know Who Killed Me."

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